Our Clients

GMA Foundations serves as staff for more than 45 foundation, family, and corporate clients which, as a group, represent thousands of grants per year to local, national, and international organizations. Learn about some of our clients’ individual funding interests below.

If you have questions regarding application requirements, eligibility, or deadlines, please use the contact information found on the foundation’s website. The foundation administrator will be the best person to answer these questions. For general technology questions, please contact online@gmafoundations.com or call our main line at 617.426.7080.

Our current clients include:

The A.M. Fund
Seeks to promote educational opportunity, economic self-sufficiency, social empowerment, and human rights for disenfranchised populations; and to improve the well-being of children.

Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Supports entrepreneurship and economic development, youth development opportunities, and improvements to the urban environment throughout Greater Boston.

Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation
Supports the enrichment and empowerment of people so as to prevent exploitation, poverty, and injustice.

The Beveridge Family Foundation
Funds institutions that serve the common good in Hampden and Hampshire counties, Massachusetts.  The foundation’s grantmaking spans programs in youth development, health, education, religion, art and environment.

The Braitmayer Foundation
Seeks to strengthen education by increasing access to quality education for all students, especially in communities with the least resources. The Foundation champions experiential learning in schools and supports efforts that increase the quality and quantity of teacher-facilitated projects in schools serving low-income students.

The Ella Lyman Cabot Trust
Supports individuals whose charitable work in the fields of arts, social sciences, health care, education and religious studies leads to the individual’s own growth and development.

Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation
The Foundation’s giving policy is guided as much by the degree of personal, volunteer commitment as by subject matter. Beneficiaries of the Foundation typically consist of organizations known to and sponsored by the descendants of Tom and Virginia Cabot. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals.

Castle Square Tenants Organization (CSTO) Charitable Trust
Supports organizations and projects in Boston’s South End, Chinatown, and Lower Roxbury neighborhoods addressing youth development/education and affordable housing.

Rabbi Abraham Halbfinger and Charlesview Charitable Fund
Aims to strengthen, deepen, and grow resources and relationships in Boston’s Allston/Brighton neighborhood.

Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation
Seeks and distributes funds for undergraduate scholarships from U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Conservation, Food & Health Foundation
Supports projects that conserve the environment, improve food production and promote health in developing countries.

The Celia Lipton Farris & Victor W. Farris Foundation
Aims to improve the health and well being of individuals and communities in geographic regions of interest to the family. The foundation funds programs that stimulate innovation, build culture of respect, collaboration and learning; and can demonstrate a sustainable impact on participants. Programs of particular interest help under-served communities, address racial and economic inequities, and give individuals opportunities to have a better life.

Foley Hoag Foundation
Supports efforts to address inequality in the Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C. areas.

The Friendship Fund
Provides support for a broad range of educational, environmental, health-related, and cultural interests. The Friendship Fund does not accept unsolicited proposals.

The Fuller Foundation
Supports non-profit agencies which improve the quality of life for people, animals, and the environment.

Grenfell Association of America
The Grenfell Association supports the activities of the International Grenfell Association (IGA), with grants that benefit the health, education, social and cultural well-being of the people of Northern Newfoundland and coastal Labrador, and works in partnership with government and other agencies. Contact: Angela McIntosh at GMA

Lalor Foundation
The Foundation’s Fellowship Program funds post-doctoral research in mammalian reproductive biology. The Foundation’s Anna Lalor Burdick Program supports human reproductive education for young women.

The Linden Foundation
Funds community-based organizations that offer comprehensive programs that build family resiliency through three primary areas: family relationships, economic stability & mobility, and housing opportunities.

Lookout Foundation
Supports innovative strategies that provide transformative services to high-need youth in New England, as well as research into improving those services. It has played a catalytic role in supporting the field of complex trauma. The foundation also funds sustainable, economically viable agriculture and forestry endeavors on New England farm and conservation lands. Proposals by invitation only.

The Ludcke Foundation
Supports organizations that serve children and families, with an emphasis on emotional and physical health, education, and social development.

Steven J. Meoli Memorial Foundation
Seeks to establish endowed scholarship funds at institutions of higher education selected by the trustees.

Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation
Supports projects that promote grassroots civic engagement in the Boston area through community organizing, advocacy, voter education, and leadership development. Proposals by invitation only.

Needmor Fund
Supports people who work together to change the social, economic, or political conditions which bar their access to participation in a democratic society.

The Nordblom Family Foundation
Funds organizations in the Greater Boston community that focus on strengthening families.

Samuel P. Pardoe Foundation
Supports the Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center in Laconia, NH and its year-round environmental education programs for all ages.

Theodore Edson Parker Foundation
Supports social, cultural, educational, health, and environmental projects in Lowell, Massachusetts.

The Physicians Foundation
Promotes high quality health care with an emphasis on initiatives that assist physicians in improving the quality of care received by patients.

A.C. Ratshesky Foundation
Supports employment and self-sufficiency programs, family partnering in early education, and hands-on active learning programs for pre-teens and teens in the Boston area.

The Christopher Reynolds Foundation
Supports work relating to climate justice; climate resilience and adaptation; and ecosystem health and integrity in the face of unraveling global systems. Issues of equity and agroecology are paramount.

Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
Provides grants to Boston area organizations that serve disadvantaged children and adolescents and to efforts that promote community development in low-income neighborhoods.

The Rogers Family Foundation
Provides support for a broad range of educational, health-related, and cultural interests in Southeastern New Hampshire, Massachusetts’ North Shore and Merrimack Valley.

Sailors’ Snug Harbor of Boston
Supports nonprofit organizations working to address the social service needs of fishermen, their families, and low-income elders residing in coastal communities of Massachusetts, with a particular focus on Gloucester, New Bedford, and Cape Cod.

Sanborn Foundation for the Treatment and Cure of Cancer
Provides financial assistance to Arlington, MA residents living with cancer and supports Arlington-based projects that help prevent, treat, and cure cancer.

William E. Schrafft and Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust
Supports education programs for youth in Boston.

Sociological Initiatives Foundation
Supports community-based research projects in the United States with specific interest in linguistics, institutional and educational practices, community capacity, and previously unorganized groups.

Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation
Supports programs in Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea and Somerville that strengthen the education, independence, and socioeconomic status of women+ and girls+. There is a secondary interest with the same geographic restrictions to protect and preserve the natural environment. Programs focused on the nexus of environment and women+/girls+ are of particular interest.

Tanne Foundation
Makes targeted awards to artists and arts organizations identified by the board of directors.

Tiny Beam Fund
Seeks to help academic researchers and front-line persons gain a deeper understanding of the complex negative impacts of industrial food animal production (especially concerning low- and middle-income countries) and find practical ways to address them.

Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Supports health care, medical research, education, youth programs and cultural activities primarily in New England.